The Delta Children's Advocacy Center

The DSU BSW Program in partnership with the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi is developing the Delta Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) to be located on campus in connection with the DSU Children’s Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) Certification Program. The purpose of this center will be to respond to child abuse in the Mississippi Delta (specifically Bolivar and Sunflower counties) by serving children and non-offending caregivers through a trauma-informed multi-disciplinary approach. Children’s Advocacy Centers generally provide a variety of services including advocacy, education, prevention, forensic interviewing, trauma-focused intervention and mental health services, and referrals to local services. Once opened, DSU BSW students will have the opportunity to volunteer with the Delta Children’s Advocacy Center by helping raise awareness in the community and participating in fundraising efforts. There may be opportunities for field placement through the center in the future. The center may also serve as the location for child abuse simulations in connection with CAST.